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The Easter People, Quarantined
“We are an Easter People and Alleluia is our song!” -- St. Pope John Paul II All throughout this Lent, if you’ve been on one form of...

Celebrating the Triduum and Easter at Home
Hi friends! It is the beginning of Triduum, the three days that bring us through the Lord's Passion and prepare us for celebrating the...

From the Mouth of Babes
After a few days of the same five or six kids coming at 3 PM each day to pay the Divine Mercy Chaplet with us, we decided that we would...

Pack Light
“Pack light. Only a small duffle and a backpack.” Those were the words spoken to me the day before I left for my first mission trip in...

Eternal Life in the Present Moment
The first time that I went on a mission trip was with FOCUS (the Fellowship of Catholic University Students) and was where the mission...

Desiring the Sacraments
In the summers of 2017 and 2018 I had the opportunity to go on mission to the remote villages of Alakanuk and Mountain Village, Alaska....
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